Various committees recognized the potentials of voluntary organization and their outreach to farming community. The policy makers strongly recommended to award KVK’s to reputed and established organizations so that the fruits of development can reach the un-reached. It is proved that the KVKs managed by voluntary organizations have contributed substantially in raising the productivity levels of miffed farming through technologies mobilized from research organizations, enhancing knowledge and skills of farmers and rural youth and addressing the gender relevant needs of the women farmers. Youth for Action (YFA) is a reputed organization patronized by Late Shri. Baba Amte. Since, last 25 years the organization is working with rural women and men and has brought perceptible change in their lives. YFA was instrumental in increasing the income of the people (by at least 30-50 per cent), assisted more than 50,000 families, constructed around 1000 houses, addressed the issues of gender equality, promoted micro credit, addressed the issues of women’s reproductive health, child care and reducing the chances of occurring infant mortality rate(IMR)/maternal mortality rate(MMR). Treated more than 8000 hectares of land with watershed approach, established marketing linkages, and provided vocational education to rural young women/men. and established micro enterprises. Various national and international organizations such as UNEP-Nairobi, IFAD- Rome, Asian Development Bank, Global Environment Facility and Rashtriya Mahila Kosh have invited YFA to the consultative board and council meetings. Similarly, the Conference of Parties of UNCCD has accredited YFA to the consultation process of United Nations Convention on Combating Drought and Desertification (UNCCD) and recognized its institutional contribution, both at Policy and. Programme implementation level. The Chairman of YFA has served on various working groups and also was appointed as advisor to Minister of Environment and Forests advising on UNCCD matters. Keeping in view of YFA’s work and reputation, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (I.C.A.R) awarded a KVK to YFA for Mahaboobnagar District of Andhra Pradesh during the year 1992-93.
Core Activities of The Host Organization.
- The organization is working as NGO mainly for the education of the rural woman. In this context the most of the facilities are made available for the fulfillment of the educational needs of the rural woman to become herself sufficient in terms of knowledge, skills and confidence. Most of the staff is well qualified in their relevant field.
- The organization has built eminent network of the woman self help group which is enforcing and providing supplemental background to the rural woman to earn. Organization has made significant contribution for strengthening the SHGs movement by providing end to end solution to the problems araised in running the SHGs. Many SHGs under the guidance of the organization are working very well and making good profit. It was observed that the standard of living of the woman SHG members is increased.
- To create awareness about the safeguard of the environment organization has started a separate department which is motivating the peoples and making them aware about importance of natural resources and their conservation, natural flora and fauna, pollution and its management etc.

The major activities undertaken in agriculture by the organization is as follows
- The host organization has 50 ha of area for the demonstration of agricultural technologies.
- Trust was demonstrating adoptive research trials on drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation.
- Trust was organizing short training courses viz. Poultry, Gardner’s training, and small scale industry for women etc
- Supply of poultry birds, supply of seed material of high yielding varieties of fruit crops, sugarcane, agro forestry commercial plants to the famine affected needy farmers.
- The trust was organizing farmers rally at district and state level. Trust was also organizing farmer’s group discussion, seminars and farmers study tours.
- Rendering and sharing practical experiences with state government development department and politicians for formulation of state government policies in respect of agriculture production in the state.
- The trust was having the consultancy services in respect of crop water management design, erection of poultry, establishment of horticultural