District Profile

Geographical Location & Extent – Mahaboobnagar district is located between 16.73°N 77.98°E. It has an average elevation of 498 metres (1633 feet). The city of Mahaboobnagar is located at a distance of 98 km from Hyderabad 130 km from Kurnool and 105 km from Raichur. Mahaboobnagar district is spread over an area of 2,737.00 square kilometres (1,056.76 sq mi). The Krishna river flows through the district, as well as the Tungabhadra. They merge at Sangameswaram.

Population: The total population as of 2011 Census of India, the district had a population of 4,053,028 of which male and female were 2,050,386 and 2,002,642 respectively. The official language of the district is Telugu and the second official language is Urdu. It consists of 85.01 per cent of rural population and 14.99 per cent of urban population. The Sex ratio is 977 females per 1000 males. Mahabubnagar occupies 18,47,000 ha with nearly 17% of the area under forests. While gross cropped area is 7,37,000 ha, a little over 44% accounts for net sown area with a cropping intensity of 108%. About 5% of the area is under non-agricultural uses while permanent pastures constitute 2%. The district has gender wise, male and female literacy is about 65.21 and 44.72 respectively. However, the percentage share of workforce engaged in agricultural activities (73.2) is the highest among the NAIP districts.  Agricultural laborers account for 43%, cultivators for 30% and those engaged in non- agricultural activities for 27%. It can thus be observed that agriculture is the dominant activity in Pune district. Apart from agriculture, handloom weaving and beedi making industries provide considerable employment opportunities.

Climate and Rainfall: The climate of the district is generally hot. The average maximum temperature in the summer months generally varies between 1000 and 109° F. and touches only 50° to 60″ F. in the winter months Achampet taluk is comparatively cooler while Gadwal and Alampur taluks are considerably hot. The plateau region is slightly dry and is considered to be healthier than the other parts of the district which are low and damp. The district does not enjoy the full benefits of either the south-west monsoon or the north-east monsoon being too far from the coast on both sides. The bulk of the rainfall is received during the later part of the south-west monsoon period. The average annual rainfall (normal) is about 28″ or 721 mm. A total normal rainfall of 754 mm per annum with 74 percent  of annual rainfall contributes to main cropping season during South-West Monsoon from June to September and North-East monsoon provides 20 percent of rainfall between October and December months. Drought conditions generally prevail during south-west monsoon season determines the crop production in the season.

Land use pattern: Total geographical area 4,660,064 acres Forests 738 299 acres (16.2%) Barren and uncultivable land 257,576 acres (5.6%) Land put to non-agricultural uses 202,462 acres (4.4%)  Cultivable waste 98,185 acres (2.2%) Permanent pastures 177 592 acres (3.9%) Miscellaneous trees and crops 26,250 acres (0.8%) Current fallows 75,149 acres (16.5%) Other fallows 58,227 acres (1.3%) Net area sown 2.249,968 acres (49.3%) Area sown more than once 31,115 acres (0.5%) and Total cropped are 2,271,083 acres (49. 8%)

Soils: In Mahaboobnagar, sandy loams and red sandy loam soils are the major soil types and salt affected black soils are also present. In the total geographical area of Mahabubnagar 67% are red sandy loams, 20% black soil area and remaining 13% are dubba and mixed soils.

Size of operational land holding: As per the agricultural census statistics, 8,64,26,829 land holders hold 11,51,128 ha of land. Of this 29,897 land holders that hold 55,894 ha belong to scheduled cast and 19,321 land holders with 53,157 ha land belong to Scheduled Tribes. The per capita land holding size stood at 2.7 ha. For the Schedule Caste the per capita holding is assessed at 1.86 ha and Schedule Tribes 2.77 ha. Out of the total cultivable land 4.88% is with Schedule Caste, 4.62% with Scheduled Tribes and balance 90.50% is with other farmers. Of the total numbers 57.52% belongs to small and marginal category and they hold 18.85% of the total cultivable land.

Cropping pattern: Out of a total geographical area of 4.56 million acres, about 2.3 million acres constitute the net area sown. Thus more than 3 million acres in the district or roughly 2/3rds of the total geographical area can be brought under the plough. Food crops are cultivated in an extent of 1.8 million acres accounting for more than 80% of the net area sown. More than 50% of the total acreage under cereals and millets in this district. The actual acreage under jowar is followed by Rice in order. Mahaboobnagar district stands first among the Telangana districts in respect of the acreage under groundnut which is more than a lakh acres. Though the acreage under groundnut in the Rayalaseema districts is relatively higher, the acreage under this crop in Mahbubnagar exceeds the corresponding acreage in any other district in the Telangana.

The major crops of the district are Castor, paddy, Pulses, Groundnut and Vegetables. 

Paddy is the major kharif crop occupying 64410 ha. followed Red gram is the major Kharif in 61185 ha; besides Bengal gram which is major rabi pulse crop in 11789 ha and Green gram are the major pulse crops. Groundnut, Castor and Sunflower are the major oilseed crops of the district.

Mango, Pomegranate, Sapota, Guava, Grape & Banana are the major fruit crops of the district. Tomato, Brinjal, Onion, Chilli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Ginger, Garlic are amongst other prominent vegetables.

Irrigation Source:

Project Details

Completed Projects

I Major Projects

Sl. No.Name of the ProjectIP created in acresIP utilized in acres
1Priyadarshini Jurala Project102200104741
2Rajolibanda Diversion Scheme87,50025000

II. Medium Projects

Sl. No.Name of the ProjectIP created in acres
1Koilsagar Project12,000
2Sarlasagar Project4186

III. Minor Projects

Sl. No.Name of the ProjectNo. of TanksIP created in acres
1I&CAD tanks (Above 100Acres Ayacut)680151024
2I&CAD tanks (Below 100Acres Ayacut)5374103077
  1. Lift Irrigation Schemes
Sl no.Number of Lift Irrigation SchemesAyacut in acres
162503 acres

 Ongoing Projects

  1. Major Projects
Sl. No.Name of the ProjectIP Contemplated in acresIP created in acres
1Rajiv (Bheema) Lift Irrigation project2030007500
2Jawahar (Nettempadu ) Lift Irrigation project2000003700
3Koil sagar Lift Irrigation project50,250
4Mahatma Gandhi (Kalwakurthy ) Lift Irrigation project3,40,00013000
  1. Mini Lift Irrigation Schemes
Sl no.Number of Lift Irrigation SchemesAyacut in acres
11377885 acres

 Contemplated Projects

  1. Major Projects
Sl. No.Name of the ProjectIP contemplated in acres
1Mahathma Gandhi (Kalwakurthy) Lift Irrigation Scheme
4th Lift including constructin of 15 TMC capacity Balancing reservoirs and additional ayacut under 3rd Lift
  1. Minor Projects
Sl. no.Number of Irrigation SchemesAyacut in acres
123 Schemes3839 acres

III. Mini Lift Irrigation Schemes

Sl. no.Number of Lift Irrigation SchemesAyacut in acres
11131240 acres


Mahabubnagar is the largest district in Telangana in terms of are (18432.00 sq. km) covered. It is also known as Palamoor.

The district has population of 40,53,028 as per the 2011 census which accounts for 11.52% of the total population of the State with 15.34% decadal growth.

Cropping details in ha.

Net Area SownKharifHects1,20,919
Net Area SownRabiHects2,112
Net Area SownTotalHects1,23,031
Source Irrigation
 Tube WellsNos.43,609
 Surface Flow IrrigationNos.1,430
 Surface Lift IrrigationNos.0


Cropped Area: (2019-20)-Kharif

a Gross Cropped AreaHects.120919
bNet Cropped AreaHects.120919
cGross Irrigated AreaHects.19,134
dNet Irrigated AreaHects.19,134


Major crops area

dRed gramHects.17,171
eGreen gramHects.61
hSugarcane (Gur)Hects.136


Food cropsPaddy, Jowar, Ragi, Bajra, Vegetables, Pulse (red gram, green gram) and Other millets
Commercial cropsGroundnut, Castor, Sugarcane,
Horticulture cropsMango, sweet orange, acid lime, Guava, Sapota, Papaya,
Net area sown8,76,700 Ha ( 8767 Sq Km)
Major source of irrigationCanals, tube wells & wells, tanks
Area under forests3,02,700 Ha ( 3027 Sq Km)
Major minerals foundStone metal, Lime stone, Black & Color granite, Sand, Feldspar, Quartz, and Laterite
Major economic activitiesAgriculture, sheep rearing, hand loom weaving, Industry