Cluster Front Line Demonstrations

Cluster Front Line Demonstrations (CFLDs)

  1. Demonstration of High yielding Red gram variety WRGE-97 (Warangal Kandi-1) with INM and IPM practices
  2. Demonstration of High yielding Green variety WGG-42 with INM and IPM practices under rainfed situation in kharif season
  3. Demonstration of high yielding Bengal gram variety NBeG-452 with INM and IPM practice
  4. Demonstration of High yielding Black gram variety TBG-104 (Thirupathi Minumulu) with INM and IPM practices under I.D situation in Rabi season
  5. Demonstration of High yielding castor hybrid variety ICH-66 with INM and IPM practices under rainfed in kharif season
  6. Demonstration of High yielding castor hybrid variety ICH-66 with INM and IPM practices.